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Stop Icing Sore Muscles
Ice has long been used as a recovery modality, but there’s literally zero evidence that it helps recovery and plenty of evidence to show how detrimental it can be. This article explores active recovery and passive recovery modalities.
Caffeine and Performance: Friend or Foe?
Energy seems hard to come by in today’s world and athlete’s aren’t immune to the problem. Can caffeine be used effectively to enhance performance, or is it something we need to pass on? This article will talk about both the good, and the bad.
Youth Specialization: Early to Ripe, Early to Rot
There’s a lot of pressure for young athletes to specialize at an early age from their coaches and oftentimes even their parents. There’s a ton of data to support a more well rounded athletic development but it often gets ignored. In this article we’re going to talk about why this happens and how to fix it.
Don’t Lose Your Strength When You Need it Most
Working hard all offseason to gain strength is an important part of physical preparation for your sport, but maintaining it through the season is even more important. Here’s some tips on how to make sure you’re just as strong at the end of the season as you were at the beginning.
Your HIT Method Training Isn’t Helping You on the Field of Play
HIT Method training has been around for decades. We’ll take an in-depth look at the history and mechanisms of this method in this article.
9 Reasons Why Your Diet Isn’t Working
Dieting is hard enough! Make sure you’re putting yourself in the best possible position to succeed by avoiding these pitfalls!
Why Your Sprint Training Isn’t Making You Any Faster
There’s a lot of emphasis put on sprint training today when it comes to physical preparation and for good reason, speed kills in sport. Find out which drills will contribute to speed, and which ones are eyewash.
The Minimalist’s Guide to Westside for the Young Athlete
This 26 page Ebook is a scaled back version of the programs Coach Connor uses with his athletes every day, and it’s available for FREE! It’s packed with information and lays out a 12 week training program designed to help you take your game to the next level.
Don’t Fall into the Trap: Practice Doesn’t Make Perfect
A good work ethic is a great thing, but it’s not the only thing that matters when it comes to perfecting your craft and I’ll let you in on a little secret, practice doesn’t make perfect.
A Case for the Bench: Why the Bench Press is a Functional Exercise
The bench press is a movement that tends to get demonized by functional fitness “gurus” and even many strength and conditioning coaches and athletic trainers because it’s a movement that’s considered to be not “functional” and even damaging. It’s wrong and I’ll lay out my case as to why here.