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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

In-Season Considerations for Training

In-season training can be a balancing act. Between practice, games, class, extracurriculars, and sleep it might seem impossible for the average family to squeeze in enough gym time for their growing athletes. Training is necessary during the season for a developing athlete and today we go over the rules for your in season training.

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

Mobility Vs Flexibility

Flexibility and mobility are often used interchangeably. The reality is that they’re incredibly different though, and that difference matters when it comes to your programming and training. In this article, we’re going to discuss how you can leverage your strength training into increased flexibility.

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

The Joint By Joint Approach and Why It Matters

Ever wonder why your back hurts when you squat? Have you been wondering why your 14 year old child blew out their UCL pitching? Well give this article a read! We talk about the joint-by-joint approach, and why it matters to both your training, and on the field perfomance.

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

Can I Drink and Still Be Fit?

Can I drink and still be fit? Will alcohol destroy my gym progress? Does alcohol lower my testosterone levels? We'll answer all those and more today! So if you've ever wondered these questions, keep reading.

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

The Best Training Split For Weight Loss

How many days per week should I train? Should I train like a bodybuilder if I’m looking to lose weight? Do I really need an arm day? We’ll answer these questions and more so keep reading!

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

Strength Is Never a Weakness

Strength is the one adaptation that will have a positive impact on all other aspects of your fitness. Bookmark it, save it, and understand it. This is probably the most misunderstood aspect of training, but today we’re going to clear the air and set the record straight about why strength is never a weakness.

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

10 Fitness Trends That Aren’t Worth Your Time

The fitness industry grosses over 30 BILLION dollars per year and there are always people trying to find ways increase their share of that cash by selling you things that either don’t work, or that you don’t need. Today we’re going to talk about the 10 worst trends in fitness.

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

You Want to Live Longer? Focus on These Five Things

Did you know that training like an athlete can lead to a longer life? There are 5 indicators of fitness that correlate with longevity, and success on the field of play. In this article we’ll go over these and how you can increase them.

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