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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

Rotating Main Movements in a Conjugate Program

Conjugate means to change, and when Louie Simmons invented the Conjugate Method change was what he had in mind. The max effort, dynamic effort, and repeated effort methods are incredibly important, but without rotating movements, the system will only work for so long. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about this, give this a read!

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

Progressive Overloads: How to Progress In the Gym to Attain Your Goals

If you want to achieve your goals in the gym (or in general), you need to have some kind of built-in progression. In the gym, we call this a progressive overload because we’re going to overload our capabilities over time. In this article we’ll go over the different ways to progress, and how you can work towards achieving your goals in the gym!

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

This is How You Should Warm Up

If you’re going to take your training goals seriously, then it is time to start taking your warm-ups seriously. In this article, I’ll lay out why we warm up, and the order of operations within your warm-ups. There are 8 steps so buckle up!

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

Do Cryo Chambers Work?

Cryotherapy chambers have exploded in popularity when it comes to recovery in recent years. But, do they work?

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

What Are SARMs?

SARM stands for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator and today we're going to talk about what they are, how they work, and if they're safe to use.

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

Why Am I Not Losing Weight?

If you've ever wondered why you're struggling to lose weight you're not alone. Researchers have done studies to try to figure this out, and many personal trainers and strength coaches have beat their collective heads against the wall to try to solve this problem. It turns out, the problem lies somewhere within, and we're going to talk about that today.

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

In-Season Considerations for Training

In-season training can be a balancing act. Between practice, games, class, extracurriculars, and sleep it might seem impossible for the average family to squeeze in enough gym time for their growing athletes. Training is necessary during the season for a developing athlete and today we go over the rules for your in season training.

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

Mobility Vs Flexibility

Flexibility and mobility are often used interchangeably. The reality is that they’re incredibly different though, and that difference matters when it comes to your programming and training. In this article, we’re going to discuss how you can leverage your strength training into increased flexibility.

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Connor Lyons Connor Lyons

The Joint By Joint Approach and Why It Matters

Ever wonder why your back hurts when you squat? Have you been wondering why your 14 year old child blew out their UCL pitching? Well give this article a read! We talk about the joint-by-joint approach, and why it matters to both your training, and on the field perfomance.

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