5/3/1 Four Day Program
This is a four week program for Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1. It includes the bench press, the squat, deadlift/hex bar deadlift, and the overhead press.
This is a four week program for Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1. It includes the bench press, the squat, deadlift/hex bar deadlift, and the overhead press.
This is a four week program for Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1. It includes the bench press, the squat, deadlift/hex bar deadlift, and the overhead press.
These are the instructions for inputting your maxes into the spreadsheet.
Click the bottom tab that says “Athlete Max” with the red arrow on the photo here. Replace “Your Name” with your actual name, and input the maxes from the key below into the corresponding slots. You can leave the rest blank or keep the numbers that are there, it doesn’t matter. If you do not put the numbers in those exact slots, your main movement loads won’t populate.
When you click on the weeks in the other tabs, there will be a drop down menu at the top of your program, click on it and pull up your name. Your numbers will automatically populate on that page.
BP: Bench Press
BSQ: Squat/Box Squat
TBDL: Deadlift/Trap Bar Deadlift
OHP: Military/Over Head Press