The Commercialization of Youth Sports

Youth sports have been commercialized and it's only getting worse. The US spends 19B dollars per year on youth athletics, and that's projected to more than double by the year 2026! Today we'll look at how much money parents are spending on their kids' sports, what the time cost is, and the odds that you'll be lucky enough to land that full ride to a university.

Connor Lyons

Connor Lyons is a strength and conditioning coach with 14 years of experience. He’s a graduate of USF’s Morsani College of Medicine and recieved his degree in Applied Physiology and Kinesiology. He’s spent time at the University level, in the private sector and even spent time at the Olympic level. He’s a firm believer in patterning, positioning and strength being the foundation for all performance in sport and in life. He’s the owner of The Lyons Den Sports Performance and Strength Coach University.

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